Are you stuck between who you were and who you want to be?
I help women stuck in a transitional stage learn how to find their power, create a limitless mindset and remove the blocks to start living their best life.
7 weeks to a brand new you
I know you’ve just overcome a big mountain in your life.
I want to congratulate you for having the courage to make the tough choices that have brought you here. Big change often comes with big fear. And I know the fear of stepping into an unknown landscape can be overwhelming… but there is also magic in this special time.
You have a very unique opportunity to create something new. You’ve got the past to use as a bar for what you know you don’t want. Now we’re going to walk this path together.
That’s exactly what the Brand New You Method can help you do. It is meant to be a journey in possibilities and opportunities that are available to you at this unique point of transformation that you are now in.
On this new journey you will:
- Re-meet your true self
- Discover your core values
- Evaluate and take ownership of your past choices
- Envision your new life
- Define your goals
- Create an action plan
- Learn how to “try yourself on”
- Strategize a maintenance plan for you continued growth
In the end, you will have built a foundation to design a life bigger and better than you’ve ever envisioned before.
Creating belief in yourself is where it all begins
What is it to believe in yourself? What I mean is, do you believe in the power of who you are at your core? Do you believe in your limitless power?
I didn’t believe in myself for a very long time.
I always considered myself a good person, but what did that matter when every other part of me was lacking. I wasn’t as beautiful or thin as other women around me. I settled for it for a misaligned and toxic marriage. I had a mindset of a lack of abundance. I would spin my wheels trying to find the love and respect I wanted but would never truly seek it because I didn’t actually believe I deserved it.
I wasn’t worth more than this.
Can you relate?
After getting the support I needed, I was able to see my strength. Like iron becomes stronger in fire, my traumas had fortified me. When I started to shift my perspective and look back at my life, I could see that I was my own savior. I had been the constant in my successes. I had never let myself really fall. This mindset shift started me down a path of limitless belief.
And this is where I meet you today. I’m extending my hand and ready to guide you through the same steps I took to create a life of true joy!
The Brand New You Method®
I’m Kendra Beavis. I teach women how to break free of who they were and bloom into the person they truly are at their core.
Using my Brand New You Method, I show you how to create a guidebook or “Personal Brand Guide” to define WHO you want to be, how you want to FEEL, and how you want to be perceived by the rest of the world.
Your brand guide will become the foundation against which you will measure all of your choices — allowing you to create clarity, confidence, and inspiration to take aligned action.
embrace the opportunity for possibility
embrace the opportunity for possibility
embrace the opportunity for possibility
envision more than you ever thought possible
envision more than you ever thought possible
envision more than you ever thought possible

The Lessons
You're not starting over, you're beginning again
- Finding your white knight inside yourself
- Recognizing your power and celebrating resilience
- Feeling what it means to be in control of your choices
- Being comfortable with being uncomfortable
- Cultural and societal timelines
- Forgiveness (us and them)
Breaking it down to build it up again
- Getting over titles
- Letting go of your own judgment
- Redefining failure
- Permission to change
Uncover the past to reveal the path forward
- The value of telling your story
- What were the lessons?
- Owning and understanding your choices to create the empowered you
- Excuses and overcoming them
- How do you want to feel?
- Creating my non-negotiables
- Cleaning house
Taking real care of you
- It’s time to reintroduce yourself to yourself
- Creating a joy list
- Learning to love spending time with yourself
- Silencing the noise around you
- Meeting your higher self
- Celebrating who you are and your wins
- How to start quieting the judgment of others
- The importance of rituals in self-care
- Creating your recovery kit
The sky is the limit
- Trying yourself on
- Change your mind
- Facing other people’s judgment again
- Are we there yet
- Next steps
- Celebrate your wins
- Dream big again
You're not starting over, you're beginning again
- Finding your white knight inside yourself
- Recognizing your power and celebrating resilience
- Feeling what it means to be in control of your choices
- Being comfortable with being uncomfortable
- Cultural and societal timelines
- Forgiveness (us and them)
Breaking it down to build it up again
- Getting over titles
- Letting go of your own judgment
- Redefining failure
- Permission to change
Uncover the past to reveal the path forward
- The value of telling your story
- What were the lessons?
- Owning and understanding your choices to create the empowered you
- Excuses and overcoming them
- How do you want to feel?
- Creating my non-negotiables
- Cleaning house
Taking real care of you
- It’s time to reintroduce yourself to yourself
- Creating a joy list
- Learning to love spending time with yourself
- Silencing the noise around you
- Meeting your higher self
- Celebrating who you are and your wins
- How to start quieting the judgment of others
- The importance of rituals in self-care
- Creating your recovery kit
The sky is the limit
- Trying yourself on
- Change your mind
- Facing other people’s judgment again
- Are we there yet
- Next steps
- Celebrate your wins
- Dream big again
What you get when you sign up
- Live weekly coaching calls with Kendra in a small-group setting
- The Brand New You Digital workbook
- The BNY Method Recovery Kit
- Daily Inspiration Card Deck
- Guided Meditations
- Inspired Senses Bundle
- Curated Music List
What you get when you sign up
- Live weekly coaching calls with Kendra in a small-group setting
- The Brand New You Digital workbook
- The BNY Method Recovery Kit
- Daily Inspiration Card Deck
- Guided Meditations
- Inspired Senses Bundle
- Curated Music List
I’m Kendra Beavis, creator of the Brand New You Method®. How could I possibly understand what you’ve been through and where you’re at now? Because I AM you! I was in the dark and didn’t see the light. I was so disappointed that I wasn’t living the life I had expected to live and I wasn’t who I wanted to be. How had this become my life? How had it gotten this far?
I thought it was too late for me.
How could I make all the massive changes I wanted to make to achieve happiness? But after some universal guidance and seeking help from a life coach, I started down a new path and found myself for the first time. I eventually realized I had always had the power to do anything and everything I could imagine… and creating that belief opened my eyes up to the opportunities I had at the crossroads I was standing at.
Kendra Beavis
Listen to my story
Is this for me?
If you’re looking for guidance and support to start living the most incredible life, this is the program for you.
How is BNY different than other programs?
How many times have you purchased a course and never actually done it? You might have completely forgotten you even purchased it. I’m definitely guilty of this myself. Of course, nothing works without actually doing the work so I baked in real in-person accountability so you will actually complete it. I wholeheartedly believe in this method and know that if you commit to the meetings and complete the lessons, you will see massive expansion and growth opportunities.
How long will I have access to the program?
You get 3 months of access and the digital workbook is yours to keep as well. I don’t want to give you lifetime access because I want you to make sure you do the program during our time together and if you need to revisit something, you have some extra time to do that.
Are the weekly calls live or pre-recorded?
Live baby! Me and you in a small group of about 5-10 other friends for about an hour on zoom. Every week I go over the joywork and answer your questions and discuss any challenges. At the end we go over what is coming up next.
What if I can't make it live?
They will be recorded and shared if you need them but I encourage you to make the time commitment to yourself. Another benefit of coming live is you get to ask me anything.
When you take on transformation with the mindset of opportunity, you become limitless!